Thursday, July 22, 2010

Actions speak louder than words

I have always been a big believer in the saying actions speak louder than words. In the last general conference we had, I heard the quote "your actions are speaking so loudly, I can't hear what you are saying." I have tried to make sure that my words and actions are saying the same thing. Right now I am reading the most amazing book and I came across something that I would like to share.
" there is a power in every word we say and every thought we think, but sometimes the greatest service we can offer is not to say something. Words are but one form of communication and they are not nearly as potent as the energy contained in our actions, including our thoughts, body language, eye contact and facial expressions. You know you trust the energy behind the words spoken to you far more than you do the words themselves. When you say something you don't mean, you know the other person picks that up. You can feel it."
This was an Ah hah! Moment for me. I really want to commit myself to be able to do this and be this.


Courtney said...

Thank you for sharing this. It really is something wonderful to ponder.

azzy629 said...

i never really thought of this like that. i always joke around with my family and friends but never really thought of how they interpret what i say. thanks im going to try to work on this now.