Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Quandary

So I am having a predicament and I am really not sure what to do about it. How personal do I make my blog? You see I am having lots of learning experiences lately that have really opened my eyes to some of my own behaviors. Do I write about those or do I just keep this blog about the happenings in my family life. I am not sure what to do. This I think is why my posts have been few and far between lately.
For instance I have been reading some amazing books. I have had some ah-ha moments with them, some that have really awakened me to behaviors that I want to change in myself. But, I struggle with knowing what to share. Anyway, those are some of my thoughts. Hopefully, I will get it figured out and post more one way or the other..


Amy said...

I say you should do whatever makes you comfortable. I will say, I learn so much from you. You inspire me over and over again. Yet, I do know that sometimes sharing personal information can be difficult. I actually have another personal blog that is private for just me. I guess it would be more of a journal for myself. It has been interesting to go through and read things from a couple years ago.

Love you!

Unknown said...

Take a leaf out of Nephi's book and have both a secular and a spiritual journal/blog. You can have your second one as personal as you like and only invite close family members to read it, or make it just for you. :)

Jen and Allen said...

Do you keep a journal? Write things down that are just for you there. They shoudl be written down though. I love to read about others learning becuase it helps me learn too. but I understand about not wanting to share somethings... that is why I have a journal too.

Lindsay Anderson said...

I think that Amy's idea of a personal journal blog is great. After you blog there, you may have an idea or two about SOME of the things to share. Not all our personal knowledge is for us to share. After blogging to yourself about it, you may see how some of your experiences, even several years down the road, could be generalized and shared that way.