Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I know this movie is quite a few years old. But, I saw it for the first time the other night. It was so good. It really brought up lots of emotion about my own Father's death. There are things that I wish were different after my Dad died. I really wish that he was not cremated. In the back of my mind he is still living in Arizona. It is hard to say good bye to ashes. It is hard for me to get finality with it. I really miss him oh so very much. I miss the big, strong hugs that he would give when he would see me. Even after I was an adult, when he would hug me I felt like I did when I was young.
I know its been 2 1/2 years but sometimes it is still so hard..
But, if you want to see a good movie and haven't seen this one, I recommend it.


Carmen said...

Mel, your dad did give the MOST amazing hugs. I will forever remember the hug he gave me at Joel's funeral. It was like he just knew exactly how to comfort me. I can only imagine the loss you feel no matter how much time has passed.

Jen and Allen said...

He gave the best hugs... in a way Im glad that the cremation thing came up... did you know that Grandma wanted to be cremated until Uncle Vic was. If any thing good came out of that part Im glad that grandma changed her mind about that.
Miss him and I cant emagine how much you must. Love and big strong hugs your way.