Thursday, August 14, 2008

3 in the double digits

Today is Jerin's 10th birthday. My third child has reached the double digits. Jerin is my child that always has a smile on his face. He cracks jokes constantly, has a very curious mind and a great imagination. When he was about 3, he had an imaginary friend that he named Canderlion who lived in the mountains. He stayed with Jerin for about a year. When we moved away from Logan his friend stayed there. He loves to read and learn and I am so thankful that the Lord has given me stewardship over such an amazing child.



The Betitas said...

Happy Birthday Jerin Bond!!! When your kids grow up it reminds me that this life seems pretty short all of the sudden!

Kristy Dean said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERIN! Im sorry we missed calling you thursday, Want you to know that we love you so much!! hope your day was wonderful!!

Bond Fam said...

Happy Birthday Jerin!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Jerin!!!

What a delightful young man you are growing up to be! We love having you over. Come over anytime!