Friday, February 22, 2008

Haylee's hair woes

Ever since Haylee could speak she has had her own way of doing things. She is very specific about the way things are done. One of those things is her hair. When Aubrey was her age, I was creative with the things that I did. She allowed me to do braids, ponytails, pretty much anything I wanted to. I wanted a girly girl. Well, Haylee will have none of that... Her favorite way of doing her hair is wetting it down and combing it straight, sometimes she will put a head band on. There have been many days of struggling. For the most part, I will let her have it how she wants. I have learned to pick and choose my battles carefully with her. But, on the sabbath I would like her looking nice. But, there have been times that we have stayed home from sacrament meeting because I have done her hair and she hates it so much that she cries and cries and cries. It is just a ponytail, I promise!!

So, today I talked her into getting a haircut. I thought a short bob would solve my problems. She will not have to worry about ponytails or anything else. So, she said OK! Well, we were there and half way into the haircut, she changes her mind.. I told her it was to late and that we have to finish. She cried and cried all through the rest of it. Oh!!! man. She hated it at first but now says that she likes it. I think it is adorable.


Lori Buhr said...

So cute!

Bond Fam said...

Yes it is very cute!

Katie said...

I remember crying and yelling at my mom when she pulled my hair back because I told her it made my ears look too big. :/ Silly girls! Glad she likes it 'cause it sure is cute!

The Betitas said...

way to be a creative mom! kids are so stubborn sometimes! at least the kids i watch are! whew! it wears me out sometimes.

Amy said...

She looks so cute! And she is growing up so fast!!! I miss you guys!