Last night we had an 80's party. First we had a barbecue and than danced the night away to 80's tunes. I have not had that much fun for a very long time. But, I really showed my age. I was really rockin out and got tired after one song. But, it was great exercise. After all was over, I was sore from my feet all the way up to my back. Oh! to be 17 again....
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Partied the Night Away!
Posted by melanie at 11:54 AM 8 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
One of my greatest loves
I love to read... I think I always have. I remember in fourth grade my mom bought me the Nancy Drew series. I read them all. I still remember my favorite being "The Hidden Staircase." I remember wanting to find some secret room or staircase in my home that would take me to some hidden treasure or room where no one could find me.
My love for reading has just grown. My time is not what it used to be when I was a youth. I don't have hours and hours to just sit and read but, when I do have a moment of spare time, this is what I love to do. I want to share something from the latest book that I am reading. It is a book called "The Power is Within You" I only share these things because for me at this moment it is exactly what rang the loudest for me. I know it is for me right now.
"Only you can change the way that you think and feel and act. I'm just saying that you can. YOU definitely can because you have a higher power within you that can help break you free. You can remind yourself that when you were a little baby, you loved yourself for who you were. There is not one little baby who criticizes its body and thinks "Oh, my hips are to big." Babies are thrilled and delighted just because they have bodies. They express their feelings. When a baby is happy, you know it, and when a baby is angry, everyone knows it. They are never afraid to let people know how they feel. They live in the moment. You were like that once. As you grew up, you listened to people around you, and learned about fear and guilt and criticism. We need to re-establish the wonderful innocence of life and the moment-by-moment joy of existence, the same joy that a baby feels in its blissful state of wonder."
PHEW!! I know that is a lot. But, I thought it was so amazing. The whole book is this way. I love reading and learning new things. Books are amazing.
Posted by melanie at 10:26 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
New Twilight Trailer
They have released a new trailer for the movie "Twilight." I am so excited for it to come out. I just want it to be sooner...
Aubrey thinks it looks cheesy.. What do you think?
Posted by melanie at 10:35 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Letting you know
Aubrey now has her own blog. You can stay up with her. It is That will be all.....
Posted by melanie at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
How good is your memory?
Here are the directions: 1. Add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember. This can be about me, or any related memory of my family.... 2. Next, repost these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It is actually pretty funny to see the responses.
Posted by melanie at 11:52 AM 13 comments
Aubrey's surprise party
On Friday Aubrey's best friends threw her a surprise party. They worked really hard on decorating and keeping it a secret. It was an 80's theme party. They had the guests come dressed in 80's clothes and we played 80's music while they danced the night away.They also had 80's karaoke and than ended the night by watching Ferris Bueler's day off. Definitely a party I would have gone to in high school. I think I enjoyed the music more than they did. It inspired me to do an 80's dance party for adults because it was so much fun. This was her coming home from work and being surprised. I might add that they kidnapped her from work and threw her in the trunk.
Before the party started. They did a great job decorating. We had a disco ball and a strobe light.
Some of her friends dressed in their 80's get ups.
more friends having fun..
having fun karaoking to the 80's
The poster that everyone signed that was there.
It was a very fun night... Jonathan and I had so much fun dancing to all the great music. It brought back crazy memories. So, this Friday we are having an adult themed 80's party. I can't wait.
Posted by melanie at 10:35 AM 5 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Can it really be?
Today is Aubrey's 16th birthday. As I am typing this, I have a knot in my stomach. I feel so many emotions about this. I don't know if it is because she is the first or what but this is so hard on me...I do not want her to grow up so fast. As I was putting this slideshow together and going through the many pictures, I became so choked up.. Could that much time have really of flown by? She has become such an amazing, responsible young woman. I love being her mother. She is such a crack up. She has such a love for the gospel of Jesus Christ and a strong sense of what is right.... She is empathetic and accepts people for who they are. She has a strong sense of self.. I love her so much.... I am very blessed to be her mother. She has taught me so many important lessons.. This is for her.. Happy Birthday Aubrey!
Posted by melanie at 7:46 AM 11 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I lost my camera
I have not felt like blogging much because my camera is lost. It just isn't as interesting if you can not show pictures along with the different things to blog about...I still have the camera on my phone but as you can see from my last blog, the pictures are not of the highest quality. They come out sort of blurry. Aubrey had it last, so I am blaming it on her.. HA HA. I found the memory card though. I know that doesn't help without the camera.
But, tonight was a very fun night. Jonathan took the kids camping and I went to my cousin Rachel's wedding shower. It is so nice to be with my family. She is so cute and I am excited for their wedding on Saturday. I than went and saw The Emma Smith movie with my sister Monica. That is such an amazing movie. I have so much respect and admiration for this woman. I really want to read her biography and learn more about her life.
So now I am home by myself. The house is very quiet and I am not one bit tired... I guess I will go read a book.
Posted by melanie at 11:52 PM 5 comments