Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bound to happen

So, Haylee and I were sitting eating lunch today and she stops eating and looks at me and says "mom how did you get pregnant anyway." I could of just spit my food everywhere. She is only four.  Why is she asking those kinds of questions?  Jerin,  who is nine, hasn't asked me those kind of questions yet. So, not quite knowing how to answer it for a 4 year old to understand, I said  "well first you have to have a husband and than he helps you get pregnant." that was my explanation of it. Okay! lame... I know. I was caught off guard. I should have already had it worked out in my mind, but I didn't. I mean last week she asked "how is the baby going to come out? " My great answer to that was "the doctor is going to help." She had no further questions. So how much do I share with a 4 year old?  I guess I should prepare for what is next... the only problem is, what is that going to be?


Sara said...

How funny! It's kind of interesting what little kids wonder about!

Emily said...

Ya, its much easier to just let her 3rd grade friends teach her that. It saves on the embarassment for both of you;)

Heather said...

When we were going through fertility treatments, my then 6 year old, had a myriad of questions. Being the librarian I am, I checked out an age appropriate book on the subject and we read it together. She had some questions which I answered simply, yet honestly. I figured it's much easier to open the dialogue early on, when it's not embarassing for her. Best of luck!

Katie said...

Yeah - I guess keep your answers as vague as possible - and then if that's good enough - leave it be! If it's not, she's sure to ask more! Hahaha. I am not looking forward to having these conversations with my kids ....