Today I took the kids to the dentist to get a cleaning. The prognosis is usually the same. Devin who is my avid brusher has 5 cavities. Jerin who does not brush unless I remind him a number of times has no cavities and Haylee who brushes the way a five year old does had 1 cavity and 2 abscessed teeth. So, Haylee had to have 2 teeth pulled. She was such a trooper. She did not even cry once. They wanted to give her some nitrous oxide and I told them to try it without first and we will see how she does. She did so great. She did better than my 13 year old. I guess she has a high tolerance for pain. But, I think I will be brushing her teeth for her from now on.. She was a little scared when they let me come up and see her but not one tear.
Haylee felt a bit strange from being so numb. Her first experience with that.
These are her teeth. She is excited for the tooth fairy to come even if the dentist had to help with that.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Trip to the dentist
Posted by melanie at 4:57 PM 6 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Homie Cheese
Yesterday Haylee had a very silly streak. She put on a hat and one glove and called herself Homie Cheese . I have no idea why. But, it was hilarious. I recorded a little bit of it on my phone. It is really hard to understand but you get the idea...
Posted by melanie at 10:07 AM 5 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Just one more week?
Jonathan and I drove down to get the kids this weekend from New Mexico but Haylee did not want to come home. She said she wanted one more week. I thought she would be so homesick and ready to come. Both my boys were ready to come home. Grandma was ready for them to come home. But, Haylee was not. Go figure... My 5 year old is not such a mamas girl after all. They did have a great week swimming, pulling lots of weeds out of the garden, fishing and a weenie and marshmallow roast over a fire pit outside. I was also able to go see my best friend Julie and her new baby. To bad that I was not able to take pictures... Our camera is lost again... But, we are glad to all be home again and under the same roof.
Now what are we going to do with the rest of our summer?
Posted by melanie at 10:19 PM 4 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Last Sunday my in-laws came and took my three youngest to New Mexico for the week. This is a Summer tradition that we have been doing since Aubrey was 5. They spend the week swimming and learning what hard work is all about. They learn to help plant a garden, pull weeds and pick up rocks. One year my father in law paid them 1 cent for every rock they picked up out of the garden. I think Devin ended up making $22.00. That is a lot of rocks. It is great for them and me. It gives me such a nice break and I really do miss them by the end of the week.
Aubrey is at youth conference until Saturday. She is too old to go hang out with her grandparents for a week. This stopped a couple of years ago for her. So, I am childless until Sunday. What do I do with my time?
Posted by melanie at 7:46 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Amber!
Today is my sister Amber's birthday. She is my best friend and so this is for her.... Amber was the 5th child of 8 Dean kids. We were only 16 months apart in age.She is the baby on my moms lap.
We were and still are the best of friends. People often told us we looked like twins.
When we were young, we always did everything together including playing on the same basketball team.
One of her most favorite things to do is to dance and may I add that she has some crazy dance moves. She can really shake her booty.
I would be lost without this girl.
She is a great mommy and wife...
I could not ask for a better sister. The Lord put us this close for a reason and I love that we are sisters....
Posted by melanie at 10:04 AM 5 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
I love Rhodes
I thought that I would share a great find...
I love homemade bread. I could eat it all the time but it is such a pain to make. Well, I found the next best thing and it turns out so much prettier than my loaves ever did. It is Rhodes frozen wheat bread loaves. It is like $2.63 for 3 loaves. Such a great deal and very yummy!! So, when someone asks you if you made that bread you can tell them YES! I did. Well, atleast I baked it.
Posted by melanie at 2:35 PM 3 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Death by washing machine
Poor Devin! He left his 30 gig Ipod in his pants pocket and usually I check the pockets before throwing things into the washing machine. But, these pants were left on the laundry room floor and did not get their usual inspection. I heard a bit of a clanking as the machine went round and round but did not bother to find out the cause of the noise. To my horror when I went to put the clothes in the dryer, there it was... What an expensive mistake. Devin was very sad most of yesterday. Jonathan tried valiantly to save the poor thing. He took it apart and let it dry out,but it was gone.. It just made this sad strange clicking sound.
I was hoping with Jonathan's amazing computer skills he could make a miracle happen...No miracle for us today. So, now it will go to the apple recycling bin. Atleast we can get 25 bucks for that.
Posted by melanie at 8:48 AM 5 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Lesson on Sharing
Every Thursday I go and cook with Monica for some of her clients. It's a great learning experience for me, as it helps me to get so many ideas on what to make for the week and how to cook healthy. Well, Haylee almost always comes with me. It gives her a chance to play with her cousin Brian. They are only 6 months apart in age and have grown up very close, almost as brother and sister. Yesterday Haylee came downstairs with her pockets full of change.. This is how the conversation proceeded.
Melanie- "Where did you get all that money?"
Haylee- "Brian gave it to me..."
Monica- "Brian you have been saving up that money for a long time. You need to go put it back in your bank."
Haylee and Brian seemed disappointed. Haylee comes down later with her hands in her pocket and said she wants me to take her to the store so she can spend her dollar that Brian shared with her. I told her that she was supposed to put the change back in Brian's bank. She proceeds to take a Dollar that has been ripped in half out of her pocket.
Haylee- "I did put the change back but Brian said he wanted to share his dollar so we could both get something. Brian has one half and I have the other."
It was very funny. We had to explain to them that it does not work that way. Monica suggested trading the dollar for 4 quarters and Brian could than give Haylee 2 of the quarters. But he didn't want 4 quarters he wanted a dollar!!! HA HA!
Posted by melanie at 10:04 AM 6 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
NBA Finals
If anyone knows me, they know how much I love basketball. This years finals are especially good. I know the Jazz are not there but the Celtics are. Kevin Garnett has been one of my favorite players since he entered the NBA right out of high school. I remember when I was young watching the Celtics and Lakers play. My dad hated the Lakers and LOVED the Celtics. Larry Bird was our hero. Well, I think it was just bred into me to hate the Lakers. My prediction was that the Celtics would win in 6. After tonights game, I think I want to change it to 5....
Posted by melanie at 10:02 PM 2 comments