Thursday, September 18, 2008

Constitution Day

Yesterday was Constitution Day.. I think lots of people don't really care to much about that day. In fact, as I was typing this my son said " what is Constitution Day?" Well, atleast I was one of those people. I truly know very little about the Constitution or the Declaration of Independance. But, I have committed to change those things. I really have wanted to learn more about it. I know it is more than just a historical document. But, I wasn't sure where to go to learn more about it and how it affects me today..

Well, we have been introduced to a lecture series called "The Healing of America." It was written by Cleon Skousen and is being presented by Glen J. Kimber. For those of you who do not know, Cleon Skousen is a well known author who has written many books on America and the state of it. Dr. Kimber is his son in law. I am very excited for this series to start. If you want more information about it, you can go to

I know that I want to become proactive on learning more about these things and here is a great way for me to do it..


Jo Romero said...

I love Dr. Kimber! It was one of his lectures that inspired me to homeschool!

The Betitas said...

Exciting! Im interested! Thanks for sharing the info.

Anonymous said...

Melanie, I love when people share things that mean so much to them, because then it gets the rest of us thinking! Thank you.

ALSO, just letting you know that you were picked for the free facial! so call or email me when you're ready for one :) *Or when you can break away from your busy schuedule! haha