This is our new home. We have spent the better part of a week getting moved in. We are not quite out yet. We still have all those little odds and ends, the things you are not quite sure what to do with. But, we are so glad to be getting settled. My house is still in a bit of chaos trying to get things organized. I hate chaos. I have worked very diligently on getting it together and do not feel so overwhelmed by it. My backyard backs into a huge park and directly north of me is Evergreen cemetery. It's a great neighborhood and my kids already have lots of friends because it is back in our old ward. So, lets have a party!!

Wow! Nice view. It is soooo cute! I love it!
Im glad that you guys are starting to get settled in, like I said before if you need any help please call me! Oh and I need to bring over that microwave sometime, I just keep forgetting.
It is a super cute house! We need to come over and visit!!!
Glad you got moved in! If I lived closer I would lend my excellent organizing skills to you. :)
Great send us the address and tell us when the party is. Love you!
Moving ... Blah! Hope you get settled in quick!
Melanie your house is beautiful and what a view! Congratulations! Have fun!
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