Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Jonathan, the state delegate

Last night was the precinct meeting to vote for our state and county delegates. Well, Jonathan decided that he wanted to be nominated for state delegate. He is so passionate and knowledgeable about issues that he believes in. He really wants to make a difference. I really admire him for that. So, last night at the meeting he was nominated for state delegate. He was asked to give a speech and than questions were asked. This was done for anyone that was in the running for state or county delegate. WOW!!! That got heated. He even had a man call him a weasel. People get so emotional about issues. The main issue was about school vouchers. Jonathan has really studied the issue and so doesn't go to such an emotional position as some of these other people did. It was crazy to me! People had lots of uninformed opinions about issues and no substance to back them up. Anyway, enough people liked what he had to say and it was put to a vote and he won the nomination for our precinct. So, Jonathan is now a state delegate... And if you are wondering what a state delegate is, this is the definition..

A delegate is essentially a super-voter; They get to vote for the GOP nominee. Regular voters will ONLY be voting to determine the number of delegates for the candidates in your state Primary (or caucus); Regular voters can't vote for the GOP nominee. Remember, our system of government is a republic and not a democracy. Now you can understand why it's so important to become a delegate because delegates determine who the GOP nominee is!

He said he wants to do more than just salute the flag and get teary eyed when the national anthem is played. Hmmm.... I wonder what the next step will be?


Emily said...

That is so awesome and such an example for me! Keep us posted. Id like to learn more about the process and how it all works.

Anonymous said...

Good job Jon! I'm impressed but not surprised. I remember when I was your family's home teacher and thinking that Jon was a great guy. I knew he was a guy would be something...not a delagate specically but something. And he has been and will probably continually be a guy that does good.

Lori Buhr said...

Thanks for the update on Jonathan's desire to participate more fully in our government. I am proud of him. Don't stop there Jonathan. We certainly need good people at all levels of government, especially those who are willing to study the issues. I study those issues that apply to me directly, but I am basically clueless about other issues. You're a good man!

Tevye said...

For all the things you just cited I think we should bag the caucus system - it puts to much power in the hands of the emotional and unstudied few and drives the reasonable, rational person to stay away. The result is a a rabid few, with tunnel-vision on one or two issues, picking the state delegates who then pick the candidates. The increasing danger is the picking of candidates who are far out of the mainstream of American life and culture. Kudos to anyone who will go into that Lions Den and put forward a reasoned and well thought out position - be ready to duck and watch your back all at the same time!