Thursday, April 3, 2008

An amazing find

I love to read... I really do. The problem is finding the time to do it. I said in a previous post that I read lots of self help books, which I do. But, I have found an amazing book that I really want to recommend. It is called "Remembering Wholeness" by Carol Tuttle. She is taking lots of her information from another book called "Healing your Life" by Louise Hay. I bought both books and this one has really struck a cord with me. I am going to take a little bit from the book so you can decide for yourself if this is for you.

"We are each responsible for all of our experiences.
Every thought we think is creating our future.
The point of power is always in the present moment.
Almost everyone suffers from "I'm not good enough."
It is only a thought and a thought can be changed.
Resentment, criticism, and guilt are the most damaging patterns.
We must release the past and forgive everyone.
We must be willing to begin to learn to love ourselves.
We create every "illness" in our bodies.
Self approval and self acceptance in the now are the key to positive change."

So, I feel very excited about reading this book. I believe that certain things come into each of our lives at certain times to help us the most, when we are open to receive them. I know this was really meant for me at this time.. So, this is why I am sharing it with you now.


The Betitas said...

You find such great stuff! Please continue to share! I love it.

Bond Fam said...

I love that quote from the book, I think to often I am way to hard on myself, and I beat myself up about things instead of being positive.