Monday, October 13, 2008

Follow up story

Haylee came home on Saturday and said that she figured out who she was going to marry. She said " Me, Tate, Jacob and Chase were all playing at the park. Well, they all said they wanted to marry me and I told them that they  would have to do eanie meanie miney moe to decide. Well, Tate won and he was so excited that he said "YES!"  like this. (while pumping his arm up and down) "So, I am going to marry Tate. Is it ok to marry your friend?"

HA HA!! Problem solved.


The Betitas said...

That strategy should work just as good as the others!

Anonymous said...

Lets hope that ennie menie minny moe works when she's 20. (or hope that tate sticks around!) PS I loved your family pictures They turned our really great!

Amy said...

Super Cute!

I think that is how it should always be decided...haha!

Vanessa said...

That is the cutest!!!

Lori Buhr said...

How simple that is. And we thought it all had to be so complicated! Leave it to a kid to streamline a complicated process. Funny!