Thursday, October 9, 2008

Funny conversations with my 5 year old.

Haylee has been talking a lot about marriage lately. Why in the world would marriage be on the mind of a 5 year old is beyond me. This was a conversation we had the other day.

"Mom, is it against the law to marry your brother?"

"Yes, Haylee it is."

"Is it against God's law?"

" Yes, it is also against Gods law." ( who knew that my 5 year old knew there was a difference.)

" Than how am I supposed to get married? Is it hard to find a husband?"

" No, it is not hard to find a husband."

" Well, than how do you do it? I don't know if I can find a husband. I don't think I want to get married. It will be to hard."

At this point Jerin interjects and proceeds to tell her how to find a husband.

" Well first you find a boy that you like and than you start talking. If he likes you than you can go out with each other. Than you fall in love and get married."

Haylee than says-

" I am never getting married. It sounds too hard."


Bond Fam said...

haha how funny, the things that kids worry about, lol!

Vanessa said...

Too Funny!

Anonymous said...

LOL that is hilarious! what a bunch of cute kids you have!

Amy said...

Laugh! Haylee is going to have so many boys lined up.... it might be hard for her to pick just the right!!!

Tevye said...

I'm with her - it does sound hard.

Heather said...

That is hilarious!!!! Wait about ten years and I'm sure her mind will change. She sounds like she's quite the smart little gal :)

Katie said...

Haylee (the girl) thinks it's hard.

Jerrin (the boy) thinks it's easy.

It must start early.

Unknown said...

Ha :) What a smart little girl! So cute!

Jaquelyn Michelle Riedel said...

ha ha thats awesome. Yea I have no idea how to let people know/ make friends on

Lori Buhr said...

It will be cheaper if she keeps thinking that way. I always used to tell my kids,"remember that you said this when you're a teenager" they do grow up so fast. It is good to remember the funny things they say for later when you're ready to strangle them!